Step Aside, George…

…it’s the Summer of Dora.  So many amazing things are happening right now, my carpal tunnel will explode out of my hands and onto the keyboard if I try to type them all. This will be a very brief post, as I need to cross at least one Craphouse item off of my to-do list…

Flower Day Recap and a Quickie Craphouse Update

Flower Day was a blast! It rained like crazy, the temperature was five degrees less than comfortable for the clothes I was wearing, the wind kept blowing my hair into my face and the faces of those around me (couldn’t find a ponytail holder, sorry Eastern Marketers), and I’m on the tail end of a…

New Website

Yeah, baby!  The new website for Red Alice Design is up & running ^_^  — just in time for the MMSDC Conference. From concept to execution in just 7 days, including all-new branding.  It’s a new personal record. That is all.

The Hub of Detroit: Youth Earn-A-Bike & Bike Ride

The Hub of Detroit is a fantastic organization.  They’ve evolved from their humble beginnings as Back Alley Bikes, a 2000 Detroit Summer program, to a fully-stocked bicycle shop and repair center which hosts regular events for people of all ages. They have numerous programs, including bicycle repair workshops and bicycle giveaways for youth. On May…

Bioremediation Garden Party

Bioremediation Action is holding a planting party this Friday, May 6th at the Mulberry Center at the corner of Lincoln and Selden (the actual address is 3716 Lincoln) in Detroit. They’ll be planting bioremediators around a grey water system they recently removed.  Bioremediators are plants which draw heavy metals such as lead or mercury, along…

Menace and Whimsy II

My story “These Troubles, Oh No” is now online over at A cappella Zoo.  It’s an excerpt from my NaNoWriMo novel Uncurled.  A different title was given in the notes, but it’s changed.  Permanently, ’cause this is a much better title.  It’s taken from a line in R.A. Lafferty’s The Reefs of Earth: “A child’s…

New CH Note (FB)

This weekend will be a milestone in the Craphouse renovation (can I call it a renovation at this point, when it’s really more of a make-it-moderately-sanitary-so-we-can-at-least-move-in-ovation?) — I’m kicking the weekend off with a big ol’ mess of plaster.

Quick Update

The Craphouse Chronicles’ new blog pages will be up soon.  We’ve found some hideous house-eating fungus @ the CH and my days have been all about that for the past week or so.  I’ll update you here and on our new Facebook fan page once the new blog is up! Also: the next (and hopefully…

New Craphouse Chronicles Content on FB

Just a quick note to let you all know that I’ve posted some new content on the CH’s awesome FB page: a few fun pics, a couple of snarky comments.   There is a lot more to come in the days ahead, stay tuned!

The Craphouse’s Facebook Page Is Up

You can find the Craphouse’s new Facebook page here.  Be sure to Like it so I can harness the awesome power of social media and keep you up-to-date on new blog posts, exclusive pics that won’t be posted in the blog albums, and in-the-moment reactions when yet another jackass walks off with something of mine….

Mark Your Calendars

Comedy Dates April 18, 8pm @ Joey’s Comedy Club in Livonia – I’ve been invited to participate in their annual Ladies Night of Comedy. I’m sharing the stage with some of Detroit’s funniest women. May 8, 8pm @ Monte’s in Mt. Clemens – I’m MCing this show.  The truly hilarious  Bob Phillips is the feature…